Case Study: SD Hickory Asset Overview

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Case Study: SD Hickory Asset Overview

The SD Hickory investment involved the acquisition of two mobile home parks: Meadow View and Creekside. Despite their excellent maintenance, these parks faced a significant challenge with a 40% vacancy rate. Our due diligence revealed the underlying issue: both parks were managed and maintained solely by the owner, who also owned the homes. This arrangement resulted in an unsustainable workload for one individual, encompassing both daily maintenance and management responsibilities across two locations.

To address this challenge, a comprehensive management strategy was implemented. We decided to divest the park-owned homes, selling them either to existing tenants or new ones. This approach not only facilitated homeownership for tenants, fostering pride in their homes, but also alleviated the maintenance burden on the park ownership. The proceeds from these sales were reinvested into acquiring new mobile homes, which were then introduced to fill the remaining vacancies and sold to new tenants.

Positive Outcome:
The execution of this strategic plan led to a successful turnaround for the SD Hickory investment. Both parks now feature full tenant rosters and are managed professionally. This has ensured that each park retains its family-oriented atmosphere and maintains high neighborhood standards, in alignment with our Mobile Home Park revitalization objectives.



APEX MHP FUND I is currently accepting investors. This fund focuses on work force housing in the form of Mobile Home Park investing.

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APEX MHP FUND II is a future investment fund that will open up to investors once FUND I is closed and stabilized.



This is not an offering or the solicitation of an offer to purchase an interest in Apex MHP Fund I, LP (“Fund”). Any such offer or solicitation will only be made to qualified investors by means of a confidential private placement memorandum and only in those jurisdictions where permitted by law. An investment in the Fund is speculative and involves a high degree of risk. Opportunities for withdrawal, redemption, and transferability of interests are restricted, so investors may not have access to capital when it is needed. There is no secondary market for the interests, and none is expected to develop. The fees and expenses charged in connection with this investment may be higher than the fees and expenses of other investment alternatives and may offset profits. No assurance can be given that the investment objective will be achieved or that an investor will receive a return of all or part of his or her investment. Investment results may vary substantially over any given time period. The projections contained herein are necessarily speculative in nature and are based upon certain assumptions. In addition, the projections are subject to known (and unknown) risks, uncertainties and other unpredictable factors, many of which are beyond the Fund’s control. No representations or warranties are made as to the accuracy of such projections. It can be expected that some or all of such projections will not materialize or will vary significantly from actual results. Accordingly, the projections are only estimates and actual results will differ and may vary substantially from the projections shown. The Fund has no obligation to update, modify or amend this document or to otherwise notify a reader thereof in the event that any projection set forth herein, changes or subsequently becomes inaccurate.